Good writing, I felt like I was there while reading it. Hope that everyone is recovering OK.

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Thanks, Eric - it was pretty terrible, thank God that Caroline is okay, less the tooth and a few scratches. I was surprised at how helpful writing about it was, it took a lot of the intensity out of my body. Appreciate your reading and comment!

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Emma, reading this was like riding downhill without any brakes, but thankfully leveling out and coming to a non-fatal stop. Thanks for the ride.

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Thank you, Rick for reading and commenting here. It was pretty intense, and am so happy that we are on the other side with the tooth being the only damage. Being a parent is not for the faint of heart.

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Sep 18Liked by Emma Dorge

Oh no - so sorry that happened!! Thinking about you all!

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Thanks, Abby... it was rough, thankfully she is healing so well and hasn't lost any bit of spunk :)

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All the feels 😭😭

Parenting sucks sometimes, in that we have to let them be free to figure things out and accept natural consequences, but it sure is the worst when they fall down 😞

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Ugh Emma! I was right there with you at the top of the hill. The experience was intense—as you've written in the comments—and the writing was, too!! Well done!

I would have been beating myself up, too, but I'm going to tell you what I think Sam would have said to me: Process vs. Outcome. If Caroline had made it home okay and put her bike away you would have felt good about your decision to encourage her to keep going for that last ride. Every parent with a toddler has been in that situation when you're a little away from home and they've decided they're done. I've said some version of "I'm not carrying your bike. If you can ride it out this far you can ride it home," a dozen times.

It was unlucky. It happens. Caroline is a tough little trooper! She'll be back on her bike in no time. :)

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